Table 4-1.-Table for Determining a Priority Designatordepartment. Although each ship will vary slightlyin procedure, standard forms and data require-ments are the same throughout the Navy. In thissection we will address only those standard itemsthat are required by the supply system.When you request material from a shipboardsupply department, the standard method is to useeither a NAVSUP 1250-1 (Single Line ItemConsumption/Requisition Document) or a DDForm 1348 (Single Line Item Requisition SystemDocument). The specific requirements for, andthe use of, each document vary between shiptypes; however, each type has basic similarities(fig. 4-2).When requesting standard stock material toperform a maintenance action, you will findnumerous data requirements are necessary for allship types. These requirements include a valid jobcontrol number, a national stock number (NSN),unit of issue, quantity, unit price, and approvalfor procurement. Once this information has beenentered, either manually or through an automatedsystem, locally defined supply channels should befollowed. To clarify procedures, you need carefulliaison with the leading Storekeeper. Many timesin your dealings with supply, you have a require-ment for nonstandard (non-NSN) material.Several different methods are used by the supplydepartment to procure your material, but the bestand most cost effective is through pier-sideprocurement. Pier-side procurement has beenestablished at most major naval stations and isa quick and easy method of obtaining material.Highly trained and responsive personnel with thenecessary experience and resources are availableto expedite shipboard requirements. As a workcenter supervisor, you will need to define yourrequirements very carefully to assist procurementpersonnel. Poorly written and/or vague requestscan slow down the process and lead to delays,cost increases, or procurement of the wrongmaterial. The NAVSUP Form 1250-2 (Non-NSNRequisition) is used for obtaining materials thatdo not have an NSN (fig. 4-3). When preparingthe identification data section of this form,you cannot be too specific or provide too muchinformation. A Form 1250-2 that is properly filledout is your best tool to ensure speedy, accurate,and cost-efficient procurement. A DD Form1348-6 can be used instead of a 1250-2.MATERIAL OBLIGATION VALIDATION(MOV). —A material obligation validation (MOV)is a procedure used by the supply department ona monthly basis to ensure that their outstandingrequisitions are valid. As a work center supervisor,you will have a good deal of input into thisprocess. The overall purpose of this procedure isto ensure that each outstanding requisition is stillneeded so that unnecessary requisitions can be4-12
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