the supply officer can easily calculate the numberof fittings to maintain in stock. If, however, allof these fittings are being replaced by new andmore reliable fittings, you should inform supplyof this requirement before the need arises. Thenew fittings can then be stocked before a workdelay results because of a lack of parts.To carry this one step further, assume thatthese new fittings are significantly more reliableand that the replacement requirement is expectedto be only one per month. The supply departmentcan then reduce the number of fittings needed forendurance. On receiving this information, thesupply department will purge its stock of the oldtype of fitting and establish a realistic stock ofthe new item.Routine RequirementsMost material procurement falls under theheading “routine requirements.” The factorsdiscussed above apply chiefly to new ships andto special circumstances. The requirements foran item are initially established when a ship iscommissioned or when the item is first stocked.Requirements are reestablished each time yourship undergoes supply overhaul.OPERATING SPACE ITEMS. —Generally,each department is not required to estimate futurerequirements for repair parts and consumables.Normally the supply department replenishesstocks either on the basis of authorized allowancesor on past demand history. An exception is thereplenishment of operating space items. These areitems (for example, hand-tools and test kits) thatare required to maintain installed hull,mechanical, electrical, and ordnance equipment.These items support the mission of the ship.Department heads are responsible for requestingthese items for known requirements, but they arenot authorized to maintain storeroom stocks thatduplicate those of the supply department. PartIIIB of the COSAL is a consolidated list ofoperating space items.used in the troubleshooting of electronic equip-ment and are not intended to be used as a repairpart.READY SERVICE SPARES (RSS). —Readyservice spares are repair parts in the custody ofthe cognizant department head and will be locatedin the appropriate operating and maintenancespaces under the subcustody of the operating ormaintenance personnel.SHIPS WITHOUT SUPPLY CORPS OF-FICERS. —Most ships have one or more SupplyCorps officers assigned. Certain small ships, suchas minesweepers, have no Supply Corps officerassigned. In this case a line officer heads thesupply department. The line officer usually hasother duties as well as supply duties, and generalstorerooms are usually small in ships of this type;therefore, more material is turned over to thecognizant department upon receipt for storageand custody. On ships without a Supply Corpsofficer, department heads are responsible fordetermining the ship’s requirements for generalstores. Each department head must submit aNAVSUP Form 1250-1 or DD Form 1348 to thesupply officer for preparation of a DTO (directturnover) requisition. Each department head isalso responsible for maintaining current allowancelists of repair parts pertaining to equipment usedby the department. The department head isresponsible for maintaining an adequate stock ofrepair parts to support the equipment of thedepartment, Each time a repair part is used, aNAVSUP Form 1250-1, DD Form 1348, or NAV-SUP Form 1250-2 should be submitted to thesupply officer so that a replacement can berequisitioned. Figure 4-2 shows both the SingleLine Item Consumption/Requisition Document(Manual), NAVSUP Form 1250-1, and the DODSingle Line Item Requisition System Document(Manual), DD Form 1348. Figure 4-3 shows theNon-NSN Requisition, NAVSUP Form 1250-2.This form consolidates, on one form, informationpreviously submitted on two forms (NAVSUPForm 1250-1 and DD Form 1348-6) for non-NSNrequirements. You will play an important role inthe reordering of these materials and parts.MAINTENANCE ASSISTANCE MODULESSHIPBOARD MATERIAL REQUEST PRO-(MAMs). —Maintenance assistance modules areCEDURES. —As the division chief you will bein the custody of the cognizant department headresponsible for ensuring that the equipment underand located in the appropriate operating andyour cognizance is maintained and repaired in amaintenance spaces under the subcustody of thetimely manner. To accomplish this goal, youoperating or maintenance personnel. MAMs arewill need to obtain material from the supply4-9
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