how each works within the group. You maysimply need to provide an input to the evaluationsof your personnel, such as a list of tasksaccomplished or short sentences or paragraphsdescribing tasks accomplished. You may need tosubmit a “rough” evaluation, including tentativemarks in all areas and narratives in appropriateblocks of the evaluation form. No matter whatthe submission requirements are, you can expectguidance from your leading petty officer or chief.You rate the performance of personnel forseveral reasons. For example, you check peopleto single out the best worker for each job. Youalso want to recognize those with the potential foraccepting increased responsibility, to determinewho is eligible and who warrants advancement inrate, and to provide feedback to personnel on thequality of their performance. As a petty officer,you will be responsible for providing yoursubordinates with fair evaluations of theirperformance.To make personnel evaluations as fair aspossible, the Navy has set up the EnlistedPerformance Evaluation System. This systemhelps the Navy do the following:Determine eligibility of an individual forreenlistment, honorable discharge, andGood Conduct awardsPermit the commanding officer to in-fluence the advancement opportunities ofoutstanding personnel or to identify un-satisfactory performersSelect personnel for advancement, ap-pointment to commissioned status, assign-ment to special duties, and for specialeducational programsThe commanding officer or officer in chargeis responsible for the performance evaluations ofall assigned personnel; but the immediate super-visor, such as yourself, usually makes the initialinput. Review of this initial input is through thechain of command. We prepare final reports onevaluation forms (figs, 4-1 and 4-2) for thesignature of the commanding officer or adelegated officer.REPORT OF ENLISTEDPERFORMANCE EVALUATIONWe complete evaluations on all personnel onceeach year and make special evaluations on certainoccasions. Three general types of reports exist:periodic, transfer, and other. Periodic reports arethose submitted on the reporting dates set byNAVMILPERSCOMINST 1616.1A. We submittransfer reports upon a member’s permanentchange of station, including detachment to andfrom temporary duty. We submit other reportsto fulfill a requirement other than a periodic ortransfer report. The occurrence of any of theFigure 4-2.-Enlisted Performance Evaluation Report (back).4-3
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