RECORDKEEPING AND EVALUATINGGood supervisors use a system for recordingperformance on a continuous basis. If you are asupervisor, you should consistently use some typeof system for logging good and poor performanceor conduct. Such a system will be a help to youin meeting a variety of responsibilities, includingwriting performance evaluations.Another benefit of recordkeeping is that ithelps you notice when a subordinate’s actions orbehavior patterns change, either negatively orpositively. You can then intervene in the earlystages of personal problems to reduce theirnegative effects by providing help.The methods for recordkeeping vary with eachsupervisor, but you should include the followingbasic elements if your records are to be useful:1. Subordinate’s name2. Date of the observation3. Behavior observed4. Action taken or plannedWhen you maintain personal records on yourpersonnel, you should take several actions to besure of compliance with the Federal Privacy Actof 1974 and the Freedom of Information Act.First you must inform subordinates that you aremaintaining a log on their performance andconduct. You should explain that this is a meansof helping you carry out your responsibilities anddevelop their required evaluations. You shouldalso inform subordinates that they have thefollowing rights:•••They may examine and make copies of allentries and notations that apply to them.They may review the log with you anddiscuss any differences of opinion theymay have with your entries.They may request an amendment or achange, by following set procedures, if wecannot settle differences. You may referthem to the legal officer for aid in follow-ing the correct procedures.PETTY OFFICER QUALITYCONTROL REVIEW BOARDThe Navy established the petty officer qualitycontrol review board to help develop and main-tain a highly professional enlisted career force.This board, in the Bureau of Naval Personnel(BUPERS), automatically reviews the records ofpetty officers E-5 and above whose performanceis not in keeping with the traditionally highstandards of the Navy.GENERAL CATEGORIESOF PERFORMANCEThe following general categories of per-formance are considered by the board in theirevaluations and recommendations:Financial responsibilitySobrietyLeadershipMilitary/personal conductPerformance of dutyWillful racism, sexism, or acts that denyequal opportunity to othersAppearance and compliance with Navyfitness standardsFUNCTION OF THE REVIEW BOARDIf the board determines that the performanceof a petty officer is below standard in one of theabove groups, it will take one or more of thefollowing actions:1. Advise the petty officer that it would beto his or her personal benefit to request either atransfer to the Fleet Reserve or the U.S. Navyretired list or Naval Reserve retired list.2. Process the petty officer for administrativeseparation.3. Issue a letter of warning into the perma-nent service record of the petty officer (themember would then require approval from theChief of Naval Personnel before reenlistment orextension of current service or before otherappropriate administrative action).4. Reduce the petty officer to the next inferiorpaygrade.The function of the board is to assure thatthere is recognition throughout the Navy of thehigh professional standards and competence of4-6
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