••Don’t form opinions of your people fromisolated incidents. One good job does notmake a good worker, and one bad job doesnot make a bad worker.Don’t guess when you mark evaluations.Get other people’s inputs if necessary.EVALUATING PERSONNELWhen preparing an input to evaluations, youshould have a clear understanding of the methodof rating used by the Navy. The Navy usesnumerical values from 1.0 to 4.0 to rate personnelin several groups. The numerical values and theirmeanings are shown below:4.0-3.8First rate3.6-3.4Above expectations3.2-3.0Satisfactory2.8-2.6Below expectations2.0-1.0UnsatisfactoryEvaluations consist of four major groups,each consisting of two or more subgroups. Themajor groups are (1) professional factors, (2) per-sonal traits, (3) self-expression, and (4) leadership.The subgroups are either marked with a numericalvalue or marked Not Observed. You should rateeach subcategory objectively. The followingsections describe the traits rated by each subgroup.Professional FactorsMilitary knowledge/performance measuresknowledge and performance of military customs;watch-standing duties; responsibilities within thechain of command; and knowledge of, andcontribution to, the command’s mission.Rating knowledge/performance measuresknowledge and performance of job-related duties,application of technical and professional skills,problem-solving abilities, and ability to acceptinstruction and direction.Personal TraitsInitiative rates the ability to act appropriately,independently, and without specific direction, andthe ability to exercise sound judgment. It alsomeasures the ability to set goals and performancestandards.Reliability rates whether we can depend on aperson to perform assigned tasks successfully andin a timely manner. It rates whether we candepend on a person to be at the assigned placeof duty when needed. It rates the degree ofsupport shown for policies of the command andthe Navy. It is also a measure of a person’sintegrity.Military bearing rates personal appearance,including physical fitness; the wearing of theuniform; and, when appropriate, the neatness ofcivilian clothing.It also rates a person’sknowledge and practice of military courtesies andthe way a person presents himself or herself asa member of the Navy.Personal behavior assesses a person’s behaviorand conduct, both on and off duty.Human relations, including equal opportunity,measures the ability to work successfully withsubordinates, peers, and superiors. It measuresa person’s contributions to the morale of the unitand the support of the Navy’s Equal OpportunityProgram.Self-ExpressionSpeaking ability rates the ability to use theEnglish language to express oneself orally. It isa measure of the correct use of the language,clarity of speech, and organization and presenta-tion of thoughts.Writing ability rates the ability to use theEnglish language effectively to write. It measuresthe quality of written work, the presentation ofthoughts, and the correct use of English grammar.LeadershipDirecting rates leadership skills in the achieve-ment of common goals. The ability to delegate,to gain commitment from others, and to challengeand inspire subordinates while maintainingpositive and realistic expectations are all taken intoaccount.Counseling rates skill in counseling people. Werate the ability to confront, where warranted, andto praise, where justified. We also rate their abilityto help subordinates in resolving professional andpersonal problems. We also rate support of theNavy’s retention efforts.Overall EvaluationThe overall evaluation mark is an assessmentof a person’s overall value to the Navy. The markis a judgment by the reporting senior.4-5
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