arrangements to participate in the NR&R
workshops of a host or neighbor com-
mand, They are still responsible for
addressing command-specific issues and
policy updates.
Commands must document formal CTT
training in the members service record.
Members of the CTT who are inactive for
over 24 months must repeat the formal
Members of the CTT should complete
the Equal Opportunity in the Navy
nonresident training course (NAVED-
TRA 13099-D) within 3 months of assign-
ment to the training team.
Prospective CTT members must have a
minimum of 18 months remaining before
their planned rotation date (PRD) from
their assignment date.
Rights and Responsibilities
(NR&R)-Workshops -
All personnel must attend an NR&R workshop
within 90 days of reporting to a new permanent
duty station. Commands must conduct training
frequently enough to keep the class size below 20
people. All lesson topics follow an NR&R
workshop course guide provided by CNET.
Everyone fills out a critique sheet as a means of
feedback on workshop effectiveness.
Commands hold an annual all-hands NR&R
workshop. The annual workshop includes sexual
harassment prevention training, review of the
latest Navy EO policies and the Navy EO climate,
and a forum for discussing CNO and command-
specific issues. The annual workshop, held in con-
junction with the annual command assessment,
uses the training guide that CNET provides.
Conducting a successful and effective EO
program requires each command to accurately
assess its current EO status. The command assess-
ment focuses on the treatment and achievements
of individuals. It also looks at the overall effective-
ness of command EO programs and the follow-
up actions on previous EO issues. The assessment
uses command demographic information (factors
such as age, race, ethnicity, gender, rank,
paygrade, designator, and rating). This is a formal
assessment that includes the command assessment
team (CAT) and data sources.
Command Assessment Team (CAT)
The command assessment team (CAT) is a
group of command personnel trained to plan and
conduct a command assessment. They are also
trained to analyze the data they collect. CATs
receive training from a CNET activity, MTT, or
EOPS from a major command or staff. The
command must record this training in the
members service record. The following sidelines
apply to the CAT:
Mandatory membership includes the
executive officer (XO), at least one depart-
ment head, and the command master chief
(CM/C) (or equivalent). When a command
has a command career counselor and/or
personnel officer and/or legal officer, they
should be members. Remaining members
should be a cross-section of paygrades,
genders, races,
and departments of
command personnel. All CAT members,
including those who have mandatory
membership, must receive formal training.
The commander has the prerogative to
increase the size or scope of the CAT.
Regardless of team composition, final
responsibility for CAT effectiveness
remains with the commander.
Members of the CAT who are inactive for
over 24 months must repeat the formal
Members of the CAT should complete
the Equal Opportunity in the Navy
nonresident training course (NAVED-
TRA 13099-D) within 3 months of assign-
ment to the assessment team.
Prospective CAT members must have a
minimum of 18 months from their assign-
ment date remaining before their PRD
(does not apply to mandatory member-
Data Sources
The CAT receives specific training in using the
following resources to conduct command assess-
Command training records, records on the
sailor of the month/quarter/year award