problem situations, challenging statements, andrhetorical questions (a question to which noanswer is expected). Another device is the use ofsuggestions, such as “I want you to think alongwith me,” and “Consider your reaction to thissituation.”DISCUSSION METHODDiscussion methods are effective in getting thetrainees to think constructively while interactingwith the rest of the group. Conduct discussionswith large or small groups; however, small groupsare more desirable. You can control and directa small group more easily than you can largergroups of 10 or more trainees. If a group isextremely large, break it into smaller groups orteams with a discussion leader for each team.The use of the terms class discussion anddirected discussion in this text refer to amethod in which you direct and control the verbalexchange of the class. To use this method, firstlay a suitable foundation for the discussion byasking one or more challenging questions. Thenstimulate the trainees to discuss the basicquestions; finally, guide the discussion to a logicalconclusion.In the directed discussion, you act as thechairman or moderator. As a result of yourquestions, suggestions, and redirection of ideas,the trainees in the class become genuinely in-terested in exploiting all angles of the centralproblem. They forget the normal classroom re-straints and begin to talk to each other as theywould when carrying on an ordinary conversation.A true class discussion requires a trainee-to-traineeinterchange of ideas. An instructor-to-traineeinterchange of ideas during a typical question-and-answer period is not a class discussion.To conduct a class discussion, you must makemore extensive and more thorough preparationsthan you would for a lecture. Although thetrainees supply the ideas, you must have athorough knowledge of the subject matter to beable to sift out pertinent ideas. Be aware of ideasthat may lead the trainees off on a tangent; steerthe discussion away from these ideas. Guide thetrainees away from irrelevant ideas and towardthe desired goals without dominating thediscussion.You can adapt certain ideas to discussionsmore easily than others. The most easily adaptablerequire trainees to compare, contrast, and weighfacts, concepts, and ideas. They also requiretrainees to solve problems, particularly thosedealing with human relations, and to glean hiddenor obscure information from scattered sources.To receive full benefit from the discussion, thetrainees should have some previous familiaritywith the subject matter. They could be familiarwith the subject matter as a result of outsidereading, prior Navy training and experience, orcivilian training and experience.To help make the class discussion a success,arrange the classroom in such a manner that youare a part of the group. If possible, arrange forthe group to sit around a table so that all of thetrainees can see each other and you. Use thediscussion method only when classes are smallenough to allow everyone a chance to take part.Use the following techniques in conducting aclassroom discussion: a background for the discussion. Thedevelopment of an appropriate backgroundtends to focus the trainees’ attention uponthe central problem. An appropriate back-ground also limits the problem to an areathat can be covered in a reasonable lengthof time and creates interest in the solutionof the problem.Ask thought-provoking discussion ques-tions.Ask questions to keep the discussion inbounds, to bring out the desired aspects ofthe main problem, and to guide thediscussion toward the desired conclusion.Encourage the timid, restrain the talkative,and maintain a standard of discipline inkeeping with the maturity level of thetrainees.Be willing to accept, temporarily, anincorrect idea. A hasty “No!” or’ ‘You’rewrong!” can bring sudden death to any dis-cussion.Avoid expressing your own ideas until thetrainees have had ample opportunity toexpress theirs.Summarize the discussion at intervals. Usethe chalkboard for this purpose. Give duecredit to the trainees for their contribu-tions. Clear up misunderstandings andemphasize correct ideas.DEMONSTRATION METHODUse the demonstration or “doing” method toteach skills. Demonstrate step-by-step theprocedures in a job task, using the exact physicalprocedures if possible. While demonstrating,explain the reason for and the significance of each5-5
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