5TRAININGLEARNING OBJECTIVESUpon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:Explain how to conduct proper and effective 5.training.Identify the various methods and techniquesof instruction.6.Explain how to train personnel by using the de-monstration, discussion, and lecture methods.Explain how to develop an effective unit 7.training program.Describe the purpose, in general terms, of long-range and short-range training plans andrelated training schedules.List the procedures for maintaining divisiontraining records.Describe how to update training accomplish-ments in division training records.The training of our personnel is one of themost important challenges we face as pettyofficers. We can only expect top performancefrom our Navy personnel when their knowledgeand skills are up to the requirements of theirbillets. The better trained our sailors are, the moreproductive they will be.Training is the process of imparting knowledgeto people so that they become capable of perform-ing their assigned duties in an acceptable manner.Training is also used to qualify people to performin positions of greater difficulty and responsibility.This chapter covers basic features and require-ments of an effective training program, trainingmethods, instructional methods and techniques,and the unit training program.Have you ever asked yourself, What is the bestand most effective way to train my people? Well,a good way to start is to review the guidelines andtraining policies stated in OPNAVINST 3120.32B,Standard Organization and Regulations of theU.S. Navy, chapter 8. You then need to learn therequirements and features involved in setting upeffective training. Before you begin to set uptraining, however, you need to understand itsimportance.IMPORTANCE OF TRAININGAs a petty officer second class, you will learnthe importance of training. At this level you willprobably conduct many training sessions on howto operate and maintain equipment and systems.The manner in which you conduct those trainingsessions can have a positive or negative effect onthe operational readiness and performance ofyour command.FEATURES OF EFFECTIVETRAININGAn effective unit training program has threebasic features, (1) compatibility, (2) instructionand evaluation, and (3) analysis. Keep in mindthat a training program must have each of thosefeatures to be effective.CompatibilityThe training program works within the organi-zation’s framework and schedule. As a generalrule, training in a work situation is more effectivewhen conducted in small groups early in the day5-1
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