Figure 2-2.Report and Disposition of Offense(s), NAVPERS 1626/7 (Rev. 8-81).
Figure 2-2 shows the correct manner for completing
the NAVPERS 1626/7. Be sure to include the following
information: date of report; accuseds name, rate, social
security number, branch of service, and division; date
and place of offense (including the pertinent article of
the UCMJ, if known); complete identification of all
witnesses; and your rate and signature. The unit legal
office usually will type your initial report chit in proper
form for record purposes, so the accuracy and the
completeness of the information you submit are
important. In addition, investigation of the report chit is
easier if you include adequate information. If you use the
NAVPERS 1626/7, do not concern yourself with any
part of the form after the portion about article 31, UCMJ
(compulsory self-incrimination prohibited), which