How do you report an offense?
What is the process leading to a captains mast?
What are the types and compositions of courts-
What type of violations should or should not be
Learning Objective: Recognize the regulations
concerning male and female grooming standards.
Grooming standards are based on several
elementsincluding neatness, cleanliness, safety,
military image, and appearance in uniform. The
standards are not intended to be overly restrictive or
designed to isolate Navy men and women from society.
The limits are reasonable; they ensure that personal
appearance contributes to a favorable military image, yet
they allow a degree of individuality. The seeming
difference between the policy on grooming for male and
female members is simply recognition that there is a
difference between the sexesmustaches and sideburns
for men, longer hair and cosmetics for women.
Hair will be neat and clean and present a groomed
appearance. Hair above the ears and around the neck will
be tapered from the lower hairline upward at least 3/4
inch. Hair on the back of the neck may not touch the
collar. Hair will be no longer than 4 inches and groomed
so that it does not touch the ears or collar, extend below
the eyebrows when headgear is removed, or interfere
with proper wearing of the headgear. The primary
consideration is a neatly groomed hairstyle in relation to
the individuals type of hair.
Sideburns are permitted, but they are to be even
width (not flared) and end with a clean-shaven horizontal
line. Sideburns cannot extend below the middle of the
ear. In most instances, mustaches also are permitted but
must be kept neatly trimmed so that they dont appear
ragged. No eccentricities, such as long, drooping
mustaches, are permitted.
Such articles as pencils, pens, watch chains/fobs,
pins, jewelry, handkerchiefs, combs, cigars, cigarettes, or
pipes must not be worn or carried exposed upon the
uniform. Wristwatches, bracelets, and inconspicuous
rings (one ring per hand is authorized, plus a wedding
ring), but no oddities of dress, such as earrings, are
permitted. While in uniform, men may wear one necklace
or choker; but it must not be visible.
Navy personnel assigned to Marine Corps units,
when wearing Marine Corps uniforms, shall abide by the
grooming standards established for Marines; otherwise,
when wearing Navy uniforms (including fatigues), they
must abide by Navy regulations.
Hair must be neatly arranged and styled to present
a feminine appearance but may not fall below the lower
edge of the uniform collar. No hair is to show under the
front brim of the hat. The only ornaments permitted in
the hair are bobby pins (inconspicuously arranged) and
barrettes (two maximum) of a color that matches the
Fingernails must not exceed 1/4 inch measured from
the tip of the finger. Nail polish must be a soft shade,
complementary to the skin tone.
Cosmetics should be of conservative color and
applied sparingly. No eccentricities or faddishness of
dress, jewelry, or grooming is permitted. No pencils,
pens, pins, handkerchiefs, or jewelry may be worn or
exposed on the uniform. Earrings must be the 6-mm ball
(approximately 1/4 inch) type with a brushed matte
finish; either the screw-on or post type may be worn. E-6
and below must wear silver earrings; CPOs and officers
must wear gold. Small single pearl earrings are
authorized for dinner or formal dress uniforms. While in
uniform, women may wear one necklace or choker; but
it must not be visible.
The wearing of the maternity uniform is mandatory
for all pregnant women in the Navy when a uniform is
prescribed and regular uniforms no longer fit.