2-9REVIEW 3 QUESTIONSQ1.What is the maximum length of hair for maleSailors when headgear is removed?Q2.What size earrings are authorized for femaleSailors?PETTY OFFICER’S INSIGNIALearning Objective: Identify the correct manner ofwearing a petty officer’s insignias.As a petty officer, you should set an example forsubordinates both in conduct and in appearance. Animportant part of your appearance is the manner inwhich you wear your uniform and insignia. The terminsigniaincludes cloth rating badges, which are worn onthe left sleeve of your uniform, collar insignia, andinsignia worn on military headgear.RATING BADGESRating badges for petty officers differ according topaygrade, specialty, size, and color. They consist ofa perched eagle with extended wings pointing upwardand its head facing right. As shown in figure 2-3,chevrons, indicating the wearer's rate, and a specialtymark, indicating the wearer's rating, make up the badge.Rating badges worn on blue working jackets andchambray shirts have no specialty mark. Chambray iron-on or sew-on rating badges are permitted on chambrayshirts. Chevrons on rating badges for men, E-4 throughE-6, measure 3 1/4 inches wide. Chevrons on women'srating badges measure 2 1/2 inches wide and their ratinginsignia are three fourths of the size of men's insignia.The men's size rating badge is worn on the pea coatwhether the pea coat is worn by a man or a woman.Figure 2-3.—E-4, E-5, and E-6 rating badges.Standard navy blue rating badges have embroideredbackgrounds and are worn on navy blue uniforms. Youmay wear navy blue badges mounted on fabric whichmatches the fabric color and cleaning characteristics ofthe uniform on which it is worn. Rating badges withwhite backgrounds match the fabric of uniforms onwhich they are worn. Colors of the eagle, specialty mark,chevrons, and service stripes for prescribed uniformsand components are described in table 2-1.Rating badges are worn on the left sleeve of thegarment, centered vertically between the shoulder seamand the elbow, as shown in figure 2-4.COLLAR DEVICESPetty officers in paygrades E-4 through E-6 wearpewter miniature collar devices on collar tips of the bluewindbreaker and the blue raincoat. The collar devicedepicts a perched eagle over chevrons indicating thewearer’s rate. Center the insignia 1 inch from the frontand lower edges of the collar and place the vertical axisof the insignia along an imaginary line bisecting theangle of the collar point, as shown in figure 2-5. Theperched eagles face toward the front (inward).CAP DEVICESYou are already familiar with the cap device for E-lthrough E-6 personnel. It consists of an oxidized, silver,spread eagle, with oxidized silver block letters "USN"placed horizontally between the wing tips and centeredabove the eagle’s head.This device is worn on the women’s combinationhat, garrison cap, and beret. It also is worn on thetropical helmet.
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