Collar Devices
Figure 7-15.-CPO collar device.
Figure 7-15 shows the CPO collar device. On
short-sleeved shirts, wear the device with the
crown pointing toward the corner of the collar.
Center the device on a vertical axis intersecting
the USN insignia 1 inch from the front and
lower edges of the collar. Figure 7-16 shows an
example of the collar device on short-sleeved
khaki and summer white shirts.
You position collar devices differently on long-
sleeved shirts. On these shirts wear the collar
device parallel to the forward edge of the collar.
Center it at a point 1 inch from the forward edge
and 1 inch down from the top. Figure 7-16 shows
an example of the positioning of the collar devices
on the blue and long-sleeve khaki shirts and the
short-sleeve white and khaki shirts.
You wear service stripes, or hash marks, for
each 4 years of service. The service stripe for the
Figure 7-16.-Positioning of collar devices.