yet they allow a degree of individuality. The seeming
difference between the policy on grooming for male and
female members is simply recognition that there is a
difference between the sexesmustaches and
sideburns for men, longer hair and cosmetics for
Remember! Grooming promotes pride in who and
what you are, pride of being in the Navy, and pride in
being in the United States.
Hair will be neat and clean and present a groomed
appearance. Hair above the ears and around the neck
will be tapered from the lower hairline upward at least
3/4 inch and outward to greater than 3/4 inch to blend
with the hairstyle. Hair on the back of the neck may not
touch the collar. Hair will be no longer than 4 inches and
groomed so that it does not touch the ears or collar,
extend below the eyebrows when headgear is removed,
or interfere with proper wearing of the headgear. The
primary consideration remains a neatly groomed
appearance for the hairstyle and the type of hair that the
individual has.
Sideburns are permitted, but they are to be of even
width (not flared), end with a clean-shaven horizontal
line, and cannot extend below the middle of the ear.
In most instances, mustaches also are permitted, but
must be kept neatly trimmed so that they dont appear
ragged. No eccentricities, such as long drooping
mustaches, are permitted. Beards are not allowed.
Articles such as pencils, pens, watch chains/fobs,
pins, jewelry, handkerchiefs, combs, cigars, cigarettes,
or pipes must not be worn or carried exposed on the
uniform. Wristwatches, bracelets, and rings (one ring
per hand) are permitted. While in uniform, men may
wear one necklace or choker, but it must not be visible.
Men must not wear earrings while in uniform or while in
civilian clothes, while on a military installation, or when
attending a military function.
Navy personnel assigned to Marine Corps units,
must abide by the grooming standards established for
Marines; otherwise, when wearing Navy uniforms
(including fatigues), they must abide by Navy
Hairstyles will be neat and present a groomed
appearance. They will not be outrageously multicolored
or faddish, to include shaved portions of scalp or designs
cut or braided into the hair. Haircuts and styles will
present a balanced appearance. Lopsided and extremely
asymmetrical (not balanced) styles arent authorized.
Braided hairstyles must be conservative and
conform to the guidelines stated in NAVPERS 15665.
Some of the guidelines include the following
Ponytails, pigtails, widely spaced individual
hanging locks, and braids that protrude from the
head arent authorized.
Multiple braids are authorized.
When a hairstyle of multiple braids is worn,
braids will be
Uniform in dimension
Small in diameter (approximately 1/4 inch)
Tightly interwoven to present a neat,
professional, well-groomed appearance.
Foreign material (such as beads or decorative
items) will not be braided into the hair.
Short hair may be braided in symmetrical fore
and aft rows (corn rowing) that minimizes
scalp exposure.
Corn row ends will not protrude from the
head and must be secured with inconspicuous
rubber bands that match the hair color.
Appropriateness of the hairstyle is judged by its
appearance when headgear is worn. All headgear must
fit snugly and comfortably around the largest part of the
head without distortion or excessive gaps. Hair
shouldnt show from under the front of the brim of the
Student Notes: