1-19A5.Task performance standards consist ofspecifications for certain tasks or equipment ora time span allowed for completion of a test oraction.A6.When giving a status report to a supervisor, thefour B’s are be on time, be accurate, be brief,and be gone.A7. Constructive feedback is used when jobperformance standards are not being met.A8. Personal feelings or attitude should not blur yourappraisal of subordinates’ performance.A9. Formal counseling sessions require writtenstatements of the problem or deficiency and thesteps required to resolve the matter.A10. Nondirective counseling occurs when you allowyour subordinates to determine the direction ofthe session.REVIEW 4 ANSWERSA1. For information on tracking an individual’sprogress in PQS, consult NAVEDTRA 43100-1,Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS)Management Guide.A2. Supervisors and managers monitor the workprocess so that they can respond to suggestionsfrom the work force concerning unworkableprocedures.A3. Improvements should be standardized to: first,make sure recommended improvements areeasy to use and meet all applicable standards,and, second, to make the improvementavailable to everyone.A4. Leadership Continuum provides a career-longprogression of leadership education, training,and experience.A5. The four themes of leadership continuum coursesare values, responsibility, unity of command,and continuous improvement.REVIEW 5 ANSWERSA1. The three instructional methods are lecture,discussion, and demonstration.A2. Class discussion and directed discussion are thefacilitating of verbal exchange in the class.
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