1-18SUMMARYThe extent to which you, as a Navy leader, applyleadership skills depends partially on your level in thechain of command or your specific job situation. Someskills, for instance, are more important for a petty officerthan for a commanding officer; nevertheless, all areimportant for effective leadership.Whatever the job or situation, you exhibit betterleadership skills when you have pride in yourself, theNavy, and your country. You also exhibit betterleadership skills when you act in a professional mannerin your rating and in your role as a leader. Suchtraditional Navy values as honesty, respect, and trust areNOT dead. They are alive and well—they are seen in theNavy's most effective leaders.As a petty officer, you will sometimes be in asupervisory position. You will have the responsibility tounderstand your people's needs and to help them meettheir needs while helping to achieve the Navy's mission.Because you have a great influence on your people, youshould strive to be a strong, positive influence that willaid in their growth.Being a supervisor entails many different skills.However, most of those skills involve pride,professionalism, and an understanding of those workingfor you. Only through diligent study and hard work willyou rise from one of the crowd to become a true Navyleader.REFERENCESManagement Fundamentals: A Guide for Senior andMaster Chief Petty Officers, NAVEDTRA 10049,Naval Education and Training Program ManagementSupport Activity, Pensacola, FL, 1990.Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS) ManagementGuide, NAVEDTRA 43100-1, Chief of NavalOperations, Washington, DC, 1991.Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS) Program,OPNAVINST 3500.34D, Chief of NavalOperations, Washington, DC, 1988.Petty Officer Indoctrination Course, Student's Journal,NAVEDTRA 38200, Naval Education and TrainingProgram Management Support Activity, Pensacola,FL, 1993.Standard Organization and Regulations of the U. S.Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32C, Chief of NavalOperations, Washington, DC, 1994.REVIEW 1 ANSWERSA1. The term fundamentals of leadership refers to theart of influencing people to work toward aspecific goal.A2. Leadership fundamentals are learned from theexperiences of our successful leaders; we learnfrom their mistakes and successes.A3. Individual’s values and beliefs are influenced bychildhood experiences, ethnic background, andreligious heritage.A4. As a leader you should strive to identify andconsider differences in people when decidingupon a course of action.REVIEW 2 ANSWERSA1. The human need to be liked is called socialbelonging.A2. The human need to realize our full potential is selfactualization.REVIEW 3 ANSWERSA1. To teach while performing a task, team theuntrained worker with a knowledgeableworker.A2. When materials are subject to shelf-liferestrictions, the item must be used before thedate on the container or the item must bediscarded.A3. PMS cards, maintenance manuals, andtechnical ordersoften describe the proper toolsfor a specific task.A4. In order to keep track of your crew’s progress, youmust measure the progress against somestandard.
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