REVIEW 5 ANSWERSA1. The term used to describe the transfer of fuel andsupplies between ships while under way isreplenishment at sea.A2.Usually, ships maintain a distance of 100 feetwhile taking on supplies at sea.A3. A receiving ship can stay on station in combatf o r m a t i o n w h i l e u n d e r g o i n gv e r t i c a lreplenishment.A4. The largest and most powerful auxiliary ship isthe fast combat support ship (AOE).A5.Rescue, salvage, and towing ships provide rapidfirefighting, dewatering, battle damagerepair, and rescue towing assistance.A6. Support craft designators usually start with theletter Y.REVIEW 6 ANSWERSA1.The Navy acquired its first aircraft in 1911.A2. The three basic parts of a fixed-wing aircraft areshown below.A3. The three basic parts of a rotary-wing aircraft areshown belowA4.All aircraft have tri-service designations.8-49Student Notes:
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