28. The LHA carries what means of defenseagainst surface and air attack?1. 5-inch guns only2. Mk 38 machine guns only3. 5-inch guns and Mk 38 machine guns29. How many troops can be embarked in,transported by, and landed by the Wasp classLHDs?1. 1,5002. 2,0003. 2,5004. 3,00030. What is the purpose of dock landing ships?1. To transport amphibious craft only2. To transport vehicles only3. To transport troops only4. To transport a variety of amphibious craftand vehicles with embarked crews andtroops31. Which of the following means is/are used byAvenger class MCMs to find, classify, anddestroy moored and bottom mines?1. Sonar and video systems2. Cable cutters3. A mine-detonating device4. Each of the aboveIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 32 THROUGH 35,SELECT THE TYPE OF AUXILIARY SHIPDEFINED BY THE QUESTION.32. An ammunition supply ship.1. AOE2. ASR3. AE4. AO33. Deliver fuel, oil, jet fuel, and other petroleumproducts.1. AOE2. ASR3. AE4. AD34. Supply dry and refrigerated stores.1. AOE2. ASR3. AE4. AO35. Combat support ship1. AOE2. ASR3. AE4. AO36. Which of the following terms applies to thetransfer of fuel, munitions, supplies, andpersonnel from one vessel to another whileships are under way?1. Vertical replenishment2. Horizontal replenishment3. Replenishment at sea4. Replenishment while under way37. A separation of what approximate distance ismaintained between the replenishment shipand the ship it’s replenishing?1. 50 feet2. 75 feet3. 100 feet4. 125 feet38. The AOE is designed to operate at whatapproximate distance between itself and theship it’s replenishing?1. 150 feet2. 175 feet3. 200 feet4. 225 feet39. Most fleet tugs are operated by which of thefollowing organizations?1. U.S. Navy2. U.S. Coast Guard3. Army Corps of Engineers4. Military Sealift Command40. Combatant craft usually operate in what areas?1. In open waters2. In coastal waters3. In intercontinental waters4. In the deep sea8-53
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