A2. The following spaces of a ship are shown.REVIEW 3 ANSWERSA1. T h e s i z e o f a s h i p i s u s u a l l y g ive n a sdisplacement in long tons.A2.A ship’s armor is the protective armor alongthe sides of the ship, on the deck, and on somegun mounts and turrets.A3. The term used to indicate the speed of a ship isthe knot, which is 1 nautical mile per hour orabout 1 1/8 statute miles per hour.REVIEW 4 ANSWERSA1. The four categories of ships are—a.Auxiliary shipsb.Combatant craftc.Combatant shipsd.Support craftA2. The categories of warships include—a.Aircraft carriersb.Battleshipsc.Cruisersd.Destroyerse.Frigatesf.SubmarinesA3.The battleships are named after states.A4. The two basic classes of cruisers are—a.Guided-missile cruisers (CG)b.Guided-missile cruisers nuclear (CGN)A5. For protection, the destroyer depends on itsspeed and mobility.A6. The class of ship developed for the purpose ofopen ocean escort and patrol was the frigates.A7. The two classes of submarines are the—a.Attack submarine, and theb.Ballistic missile submarineA8. The class of ship used to land large numbers ofpersonnel, equipment, and supplies on enemyheld territory is the amphibious war ship.8-48Student Notes:
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