14. What term identifies the port and starboardhalves of a yard?1. Yardarms2. Pigstick3. Gaff4. Peak15. The national ensign is flown from what part of aship when it is anchored or moored?1. Jackstaff2. Flagstaff3. Pigstick4. Peak16. What is the additional ship control space usedby the squadron commander or admiralcalled?1. Signal bridge2. Main control3. Flag bridge4. Bridge wind17. In what part of a ship is main control normallylocated?1. Chart hours2. Secondary conn3. Combat information center4. Boiler or machinery spaces18. Ships of the U.S. Navy are divided into howmany categories?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four19. How many types of ships are included in thewarship category?1. Five2. Six3. Seven4. Eight20. What type of ship is the center of a modernnaval task force or task group?1. Aircraft carrier2. Destroyer3. Cruiser4. Submarine21. Approximately how many aircraft areembarked on Nimitz class CVs?1. 702. 753. 804. 8522. What class of cruiser is designated as battleforce capable?1. Ticonderoga2. Spruance3. Arleigh Burke23. Which of the following is a principle missionof a destroyer?1. Operate offensively against submarinesand surface ships2. Operate defensively against submarinesand surface ships3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Operate short-range attack against allaircraft24. What class destroyer represents a return toall-steel construction?1. Kidd class2. Spruance class3. Arleigh Burke class25. Which of the following is the mission offrigates?1. Protective screens2. Open ocean escort and patrol3. Defensive operations against surface ships4. Offensive operations against subsurfaceships26. What class of submarines has the quietestoperation?1. Sturgeon2. Ohio3. Seawolf27. The Ohio class ballistic submarine has howmany Trident missile tubes?1. 162. 203. 244. 268-52
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