41. Support craft designations start with whatletter?1. S2. T3. Y4. Z42. Fixed-wing aircraft are divided into how manybasic parts?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four43. What is the primary lifting device of anaircraft?1. Tail2. Wings3. Ailerons4. Fuselage44. What are the three main parts of a helicopter?1. Tail, rotors, and empennage2. Tail, rotors, and fuselage3. Main rotor, fuselage, and tail rotor4. Main rotor, empennage, and tail rotor45. Attack class planes are used in which of thefollowing roles?1. Nuclear strikes2. Ground support3. Low-level bombing4. Each of the above46. What class of aircraft is generally used to gainair superiority?1. Attack2. Fighter3. Patrol4. Warning47. The E-2C Hawkeye belongs to what class ofaircraft?1. Patrol2. Warning3. Antisubmarine4. Fighter48. The S-3 Viking belongs to what class ofaircraft?1. Patrol2. Warning3. Antisubmarine4. Fighter49. What helicopter is designated for ASW use?1. Ch-46 Sea Knight2. SH-2 Seasprite3. SH-60B Seahawk50. What helicopter operates and tows minecountermeasures devices?1. CH-46 Sea Knight2. SH-60B Seahawk3. CH-53D Sea Stallion8-54
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