The primary goal of the Continuous ImprovementProgram is to increase productivity and produce betterquality through leadership. The most important part ofthis program is the process, or, how the job gets done.You might ask, “Who is the most familiar with thejob?”The answer should be, “The person doing the job.”Often, the way the job gets done is complicated orjust doesn’t work. In most workplaces, it’s almostimpossible for workers to get management to changethe way the job is done. Under the ContinuousImprovement Program, supervisors make sure that jobimprovement suggestions are heard and, if practical,made part of the way the job is done.REVIEW 1 QUESTIONSQ1. List the elements of a good Navy leader.a.b.c.Q2. List the principles of conduct that give direction,solidity, and consistency to leadership.a.b.c.Q3. W h a t i s a n o t h e r t e r m u s e d t o d e s c r i b eadministrative ability?Q4. True or false. To be a good leader, you must knowhow to be a good follower.Q5. List three followership qualities.a.b.c.Q6. Describe the purpose of a reprimand.Q7. List the ways you can help build morale.a.b.c.Q8. What is the primary goal of the ContinuousImprovement Program?SUMMARYIn this chapter, you were introduced to the conceptsof leadership and supervision. You learned that in orderto be an effective leader, you first need to be a goodfollower.Also in this chapter, the idea behind the ContinuousImprovement Program was presented. Through thisprogram, valuable suggestions about the work placecan be acted on.21-4Student Notes:
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