23. Use of naval forces to achieve navalobjectives.1. A2. B3. C4. D24. Which of the following objectives would fallunder the term “national objective”?1. Political2. Security3. Economic4. Each of the above25. Sea control and power projection are theNavy’s mission in support of1. naval strategy2. national interests3. national strategy4. naval objectives26. Which of the following functions allows theNavy to control the sea and project power?1. Strategic nuclear deterrence2. Strong naval presence3. Security of the sea lines ofcommunications4. Each of the above27. On what date did Congress authorize the firstsix frigates of the Continental Navy?1. 27 Mar 17942. 4 Feb 17763. 20 Aug 17754. 19 Jul 177328. In what year did Congress enact the MerchantMarine Act?1. 19162. 19263. 19364. 194629. During World War II, the U.S. built andmanned more than how many merchant ships?1. 3,0002. 4,5003. 6,0004. 7,50030. In wartime, the Merchant Marine isresponsible for which of the followingmissions?1. Transporting essential materials and cargo2. Resupplying allied military forces overseas3. Providing underway replenishment toNavy ships at sea4. All of the above31. In peactime, which of the following militaryservices is not controlled by the Department ofDefense?1. U.S. Navy2. U.S. Marine Corps3. U.S. Coast Guard4. U.S. Naval Reserve32. The U.S. Coast Guard was established as theUnited States Revenue Marine in what year?1. 17602. 17763. 17854. 179033. What is the traditional image of the U.S. CoastGuard?1. Watchful2. Vigilant3. Lifesaver4. Benefactor34. Which of the following are modern-day CoastGuard duties?1. Enforcement of maritime laws and treaties2. Search and rescue operations3. Enforcement of drug and contraband laws4. Each of the above35. During wartime, the Coast Guard operatesdirectly under the1. Chief of Naval Operations2. Secretary of the Navy3. Joint Chiefs of Staff4. Secretary of Defense36. Which of the following organizations wasestablished by combining the sealift missionsof the Naval and Army Transport services?1. Merchant Sea Transportation Service2. Department of Transportation3. Military Sealift Command4. U.S. Coast Guard20-19
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