CHAPTER 21LEADERSHIP AND SUPERVISIONToday’s Navy operates with fewer people andresources than before. Therefore, good leadership ismore important than ever. You may think that becauseyou are nonrated, leadership doesn’t apply to you.You’re wrong! Learn as much as you can aboutleadership. Your leadership skills will have a strongimpact on your Navy career and your personal life. Itdoesn’t matter whether you’re an apprentice, a chiefpetty officer, a division officer, or a commandingofficer; you will assume responsibility and exerciseauthority within the chain of command. As you advanceto higher rates, you’ll assume more authority andresponsibility as a leader. Now is the time for you tolearn about leadership.BASIC PRINCIPLES OF LEADERSHIPAND FOLLOWERSHIPLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recognize the purpose of followership andleadership.Identify the fundamentals of leadership,including core values.The Navy defines leadership asthe art ofi n f l u e n c i n g p e o p l e t o p ro g re s s t o w a rd s t h eaccomplishment of a specific goal. Leadership occurswhen one person influences other people to worktoward a definite goal.Leadership is based on personal example, goodmanagement practices, and moral responsibility. Everyperson in the Navy must set an example of militaryideals and give personal attention and supervision topersonnel below them in the chain of command.You can determine your leadership ability by—Examining your conductReviewing your duties and responsibilitiesDetermining how well you’re performingIf you don’t measure up to Navy standards, takesteps to raise your performance level as well as theperformance of the personnel who work for you.ELEMENTS OF LEADERSHIPYou’ve heard the expression “leaders are born, notmade” or “that person’s a born leader.” Forget thesephrases; no one is a “born leader.” Many people are“natural” leaders because of their strong, magneticpersonality or because of their natural ability to learnrapidly (fast). However, such people are the exception,not the rule. Because leaders aren’t “born,” they must be“made” (trained). There are three elements that make aneffective Navy leader:1. Moral principles2. Personal example3. Administrative abilityMoral PrinciplesMoral principles include honesty, integrity, andloyalty. These principles of human conduct providedirection, solidity, and consistency to leadership.The key to leadership is the emphasis you place onpersonal moral responsibility. You show personal moralresponsibility by being honest and loyal. Yourshipmates see those traits as your moral character. And astrong moral character influences others in a positivemanner.Personal ExampleLeading by personal examples goes along withmoral responsibility. Effective leaders have manydifferent leadership traits, such as know-how, sincerity,and courage. Which trait is the most important is a21-1To lead, you must first be able to follow; for without followers, therecan be no leader.—Navy Saying
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