12. What amount of minerals does the UnitedStates produces?1. 4 minerals2. 11 minerals3. 33 minerals4. 48 minerals13. The United States acknowledges freedom ofthe seas under what law or treaty?1. Federal law2. Treaty of Versailles3. International law4. Treaty of Zurich14. Which of the following actions must ourcountry take to protect our national securityand sustain our economy?1. Import raw materials, manufacture goods,and export goods to world marketplace2. Keep the sea lanes open3. Both 1 and 2 above15. What states are outside the continental UnitedStates (CONUS)?1. New Mexico and Alaska2. Hawaii and Alaska3. New Mexico and Guam4. Alaska and Puerto Rico16. There are a total of how many overseas U.S.territories?1. Two2. Three3. Four4. Five17. The primary functions of the Navy and MarineCorps forces is to seek and destroy enemynaval forces, suppress enemy sea commercegain, maintain general naval supremacy,control vital sea areas, and protect sea lines ofcommunication.1. True2. False18. When did the “tanker wars” occur in thePersian Gulf?1. 1986 to 19882. 1987 to 19893. 1988 to 19904. 1989 to 199119. Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm is anexample of what type of exercise?1. Army operation only2. Air Force operation only3. Joint amphibious operations20. What is meant by the term “hi-low balancedmix”?1. Speeding up research and development ofnew weapons2. Purchasing highly effective aircraft andships and developing new classes oflow-cost ships3. Laying up of old ships to save money4. Training personnel in high and lowtechnology areasIN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 21 THROUGH 23SELECT THE TERM FROM FIGURE A THATDESCRIBES THE QUESTION.21. A broad course of action designed to achievenational objectives.1. A2. B3. C4. D22. Conditions that are to the advantage of ournation to pursue or protect.1. A2. B3. C4. D20-18A. NAVAL STRATEGYB. NATIONAL INTERESTSC. NATIONAL STRATEGYD. NATIONAL OBJECTIVESFigure A
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