A5. To protect ourselves and to keep our economy
going, this country must—
a. Import raw materials, convert them into
manufactured goods, and transport them
to marketplaces throughout the world via
b. Keep sea-lanes open and safe in times of
peace and tension, and deny sea-lanes to
the enemy in times of war
A1. The primary tasks of the U.S. Navy’s operating
forces are to—
a. Seek out and destroy enemy naval forces
b. Suppress enemy sea commerce gains
c. Maintain general naval supremacy
d. Control vital sea areas
e. Protect vital sea lines of communication
A2. The Navy is modernizing its arsenal by—
Researching and developing new weapons
b. Laying up old ships to save the cost of
operating and overhauling so money can be
shifted to constructing modern ships
c. Purchasing highly effective aircraft and
ships, such as nuclear propulsion aircraft
carriers (CVNs) and ballistic submarines
(SSBNs), and at the same time, developing
new classes of cost-effective ships
A3. The missions of the Navy determined by our
national strategy are—
a. Sea control
b. Power projection
A4. Navy missions, as determined by national
strategy, are carried out by—
a. M a i n t a i n i n g a r e a d y a n d c a p a b l e
submarine-launched variety of ballistic
b. Deploying operationally ready naval forces
to various overseas locations throughout
the world
c. Maintaining an open and secure sea line of
communication between the U.S. and its
forward deployed forces allies and areas of
the world essential for imports
A1. In peacetime, the U.S. Merchant Marines
transport essential materials to and from the
United States for the defense of the free world.
A2. In wartime, the mission of the U.S. Merchant
Marines is to—
a. Resupply American and allied military
forces overseas
b. Provide wet and dry replenishments and
other direct services to ships underway
c. Increase combatant naval forces by being
armed to carry out convoy antiaircraft, and
antisubmarine duties
d. Transport essential materials and cargo
needed for the U.S. economy and the
economy of allies overseas
A1. The peacetime mission of the Coast Guard
a. Enforcing maritime laws and treaties
b. Conducting search and rescue operations
c. Enforcing U.S. drug and contraband laws
d. I n s t a l l i n g a n d m a i n t a i n i n g a i d s t o
e. I c e b r e a k i n g o p e r a t i o n s t h a t k e e p
commercial vessel traffic moving in
domestic waters and support scientific
research in the Artic and Antartic
A2. The wartime mission of the U.S. Coast Guard
a. Maintaining in-port safety and security