Safety regulations for all U.S. commercialvessels, offshore structures, and recreationalboatingPort safety and security, including ports, harbors,and their approachesThe movement of vessels in ports and waterwaysduring crisis situationsMarine environmental protection to prevent andcontain spills of oil and other hazardoussubstancesFinally, because the Coast Guard is a militaryservice—one that has ships, planes, and boats—it alsohas a military readiness mission. The Coast Guardworks closely with the Navy, undergoes regularrefresher training for its major cutters, and participatesin joint operational exercises.The Coast Guard by itself is among the largestnavies in the world, ranking 9th or 10th based on thenumber of armed vessels. Figure 20-4 shows a 378-footCoast Guard cutter. The Coast Guard gives significantlyto the nation’s sea power.The Coast Guard has continued to grow andshoulder additional responsibilities. In the last 30 years,it has gained responsibilities for polar and domesticicebreaking, cleanup and protection of the marineenvironment, and recreational boating safety.WARTIME MISSIONWith the start of World War II, the Coast Guardassumed the responsibilities of in-port safety andsecurity and commercial vessel safety. In 1967, theCoast Guard became part of the newly formedDepartment of Transportation.In wartime the U.S. Coast Guard has always servedwith pride. Today, during a wartime condition, the U.S.Coast Guard operates directly under the Chief of NavalOperations. It still has the same mission as it did duringWorld War II, plus added roles. The Coast Guardassumes convoy duties as well as antisubmarine warfaremissions. Its cutters are well suited for convoy duties asthey have a long cruising range and room for armament.The air search and rescue section of the Coast Guardflies rescue missions. It also flies reconnaissance andantisubmarine aircraft. The Coast Guard’s mission inwartime will strain its limited assets.20-11Student Notes:Figure 20-4.—U.S. Coast Guard—an element of sea power.
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