an enemy’s use of those seas important to ouroperations.The Navy’s job goes hand in hand with the nationalinterest and the objectives of the rest of the U.S. armedforces. Title 10 of the U.S. Code states that the Navy isto be prepared to conduct prompt and sustained combatoperations in support of the national interest. Thatmeans we must assure continued maritime superiorityfor the United States. We must be able to totally defeatany threat to the continued free use of the high seas bythe United States. Therefore, we must maintain theability to destroy hostile aircraft, surface ships, andsubmarines that threaten our seaborne forces and thoseof our allies. The national strategy determines theNavy’s mission. We carry out that mission in jointcoordination with the other armed forces and incombined planning with U.S. allies. In carrying out thatmission, the Navy has two major functions—seacontrol and power projection.THE FUNCTIONS OF THE U.S. NAVYSea control, total control of the seas for the freemovement of all, is the first function of the U.S. Navy. Itmeans control of set air, surface, and subsurface areas,when and where needed. Sea control is crucial tonational strategy. It allows us to use the oceans asbarriers for defense and as avenues to extend ourinfluences overseas.Power projection is the second function of theNavy. It is the ability to use sea power throughout theworld in the timely and precise manner needed toaccomplish a given goal. This covers a wide area. Weaccomplish power projection by using a broad spectrumof offensive naval operations. These operations includethe tactical employment of carrier-based aircraft and theuse of amphibious forces and naval gunfire supportforces. They also include the strategic nuclear responseby the fleet ballistic missile forces.The functions of sea control and power projectionare closely related. Depending on the type of force weare to use, we need some degree of sea control in the seaareas from which we are to project power. The UnitedStates developed the naval forces’ capability to projectpower largely as one means of achieving or supportingcontrol of the seas.To carry out the functions of sea control and powerprojection in support of its mission, the U.S. Navy hasthree functions.20-7Student Notes:Figure 20-3.—U.S. naval presence throughout the world.
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