1. Strategic nuclear deterrence2. A strong naval presence3. Security of the sea lines of communicationsStrategic Nuclear DeterrenceThe effectiveness of the submarine-launchedballistic missile provides the strongest deterrent in ourstrategic nuclear forces. Thus that deterrent is astabilizing factor in the strategic nuclear balance.Naval PresenceTo achieve naval presence, the Navy deploysoperationally ready naval forces to various overseaslocations throughout the world (fig. 20-3). From theselocations, our forces can combat hostile forces andsupport forward-positioned U.S. ground and air forcesas well as U.S. allies.Security of the Sea Lines of CommunicationsThe success of a forward military strategy dependsupon the Navy’s ability to keep the sea lines ofcommunications open. These lines are between theUnited States and its forward deployed forces, its allies,and those areas of the world essential for imports. Themost vulnerable areas of these sea lines are those closestto potential hostile bases and farthest from friendlyterritory. Land-based air and patrol combatant craft aidin the protection of shipping in those areas. Theprotection of the most vulnerable sea areas requires thatU.S. Navy forces be present in enough strength to defeathostile air, surface, and submarine threats. One of themost demanding requirements upon the capabilities ofU.S. naval forces is overseas deployment. Thedeployments place great demands upon both Navypersonnel and our multipurpose combatant ships.REVIEW 2 QUESTIONSQ1. List the primary tasks of the Navy’s operatingforces.a.b.c.d.e.Q2. List three of the ways that the Navy uses tomodernize its arsenal.a.b.c.Q3. As determined by national strategy, what are themissions of the U.S. Navy?a.b.Q4. Navy missions are determined by nationalstrategy. List some of the ways the Navy carriesout their missions.a.b.c.THE U.S. MERCHANT MARINERESPONSIBILITY IN SEA POWERLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Identify the missions and functions of the U.S.Merchant Marine in wartime and peacetime.Our Navy evolved from the American merchantmarine. Practically every Navy member of the20-8Student Notes:
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