AVI-5Naval courses may include several types of questions—multiple-choice, true-false, matching, etc. The questions are not groupedby type but by subject matter. They are presented in the same general sequence as the textbook material upon which they arebased. This presentation is designed to preserve continuity of thought, permitting step-by-step development of ideas. Not allcourses use all of the types of questions available. You can readily identify the type of each question, and the action required, byreviewing of the samples given below.MULTIPLE-CHOICEQUESTIONSEach question contains several alternative answers, one of which is the best answer to the question. Select the bestalternative, and blacken the appropriate box on the answer sheet.SAMPLEMark each statement true or false as indicated below. If any part of the statement is false, the entire statement is false. Make yourdecision and blacken the appropriate box on the answer sheet.SAMPLEEach set of questions consists of two columns, each listing words, phrases or sentences. Your task is to select the item in column Bwhich is the best match for the item in column A. Items in column B may be used once, more than once, or not at all. Specificinstructions are given with each set of questions. Select the numbers identifying the answers and blacken the appropriate boxes onyour answer sheet.SAMPLEIn answering questions s-3 through s-6, SELECT from column B the department where the shipboard officer incolumn A functions. Responses may be used once, more than once, or not at all.s-1. The first U.S. Navy nuclear-powered vessel wastype of ship?1.Carrier2.Submarine3.Destroyer4.Cruisers-2. Shock will never be serious enough to causedeath.1. True2.FalseTRUE-FALSEQUESTIONS1 2 3 4T Fs-2Indicate in this way on your answer sheet:1 2 3 4T Fs-1MATCHING QUESTIONSA. OFFICER B. DEPARTMENTs-1. Damage control assistants-4. CIC officers-5. Disbursing officers-6. Communications officer1. Operations department2. Engineering departemnt3. Supply department4. Navigation departmentIndicate in this way on your answer sheet:1 2 3 4T Fs-3s-4.s-5.s-6.
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