STUDENT QUESTIONS: If you have questions
concerning the administration of this course, consult
your ESO. If you have questions on course content, you
may contact NETPDTC at:
DSN: 922-1323
Commercial: (850) 452-1323
FAX DSN: 922-1819
FAX Commercial: (850) 452-1819
COURSE OBJECTIVES: In completing the chapter
comprehensive tests, you will demonstrate a knowledge
of the subject matter by correctly answering questions
on the following subjects: programs and policies;
military conduct and justice; watch standing;
communications; naval history; naval organization;
basic seamanship; ship/aircraft characteristics; customs
and courtesies; uniforms and formations; small arms;
damage control; chemical, biological, and radiological
(CBR) defense; first aid and health; survival; career and
education information; financial management and
stress management; surface preservation; safety and
hazardous materials; sea power; leadership and
supervision; security requirments and international