Congratulations! By enrolling in this course, you have demonstrated a desire to improve
yourself and the Navy. Remember, however, this self-study course is only one part of the total
Navy training program. Practical experience, schools, selected reading, and your desire to
succeed are also necessary to successfully round out a fully meaningful training program. You
have taken an important step in self-improvement. Keep up the good work.
ERRATA: If an errata comes with this course, make all
indicated changes or corrections before you start any
chapter comprehensive test. Do not change or correct
the associated test or assignments in any other way.
TEXTBOOK ASSIGNMENTS: Study each chapter
before you start the chapter comprehensive test. Pay
close attention to tables and illustrations because they
contain information that will help you understand the
text. Read the learning objectives in the chapter. They
state what you should be able to do after studying the
chapter material. Answering the questions correctly
helps you accomplish the objectives.
SELECTING YOUR ANSWERS: After studying the
associated text, you should be ready to answer the
questions in the chapter comprehensive test. Read each
question carefully, then select the BEST answer. Be sure
to select your answer from the subject matter in the text.
You may refer freely to the text and seek advice from
others on problems that may arise in the course.
However, the answers must be the result of your own
work and decisions. You are prohibited from referring
to or copying the answers of others and from giving
answers to anyone else taking the same course. Failure
to follow these rules can result in suspension from the
course and disciplinary action.
ANSWER SHEETS: You must use answer sheets
designed for this course (NETPMSA Form 1430/5,
Stock Ordering Number 0502-LP-216-0100). Use the
answer sheets provided by your Educational Services
Officer (ESO), or you may reproduce the one in the back
of this appendix.
SHEETS: As a minimum, you should complete at
least one chapter comprehensive test per month. Failure
to meet this requirement could result in disenrollment
f r o m t h e c o u r s e . A s y o u c o m p l e t e c h a p t e r
comprehensive test, submit the completed answer sheet
to your ESO for grading. You may submit more than one
answer sheet at a time.
GRADING: Your ESO will grade each answer sheet
and notify you of any incorrect answers. The passing
score for each chapter comprehensive test is 3.2. If you
receive less than 3.2 on any assignment, your ESO will
list the questions you answered incorrectly and give you
an answer sheet marked RESUBMIT. You must redo
the assignment and complete the RESUBMIT answer
sheet. The maximum score you can receive for a
resubmitted chapter comprehensive text is 3.2.
submitted all the answer sheets and have earned at least
3.2 on each chapter comprehensive test, your command
should give you credit for this course by making the
appropriate entry in your service record.
you are a member of the Naval
Reserve, you will receive
retirement points if you are authorized to receive them
under current directives governing retirement of Naval
Reserve personnel. For Naval Reserve retirement, this
course is evaluated at 15 points.
Unit 112 points upon satisfactory completion of
chapter comprehensive tests 1 through 17
Unit 23 points upon satisfactory completion of
chapter comprehensive tests 18 through 22
(Refer to BUPERSINST 1001.39 for more
information about retirement points.)