APPENDIX VNAVY GOAL CARDAV-1FLEET GOALSI will complete my Warfare Specialtyqualifications, if assigned to sea duty, by end of1st enlistment.I will increase savings to ______ dollars permonth.I will maintain a physical fitness program.I will advance to every paygrade as soon as myfirst eligibility: E3 ______ E4 ______ E5______ E6 ______I will go the education office (Navy Campus) todocument college credits earned uponcompletion of Recruit Training,______________ school, and_______________________________.DEP GOALSI will attend all DEP meetings.I will save __________ dollars per month.I will advance to E2/E3 by encouraging othersto visit recruiters and enlist.I will maintain a physical fitness program.I will earn my _____________ diploma.I will not use illegal drugs or abuse alcohol.I will take personal responsibility for myfuture.Personal Goal:___________________________________________________________________________________PERSONAL PRIORITIESEducation/TrainingDisciplineAdvancementPhysical FitnessSaving MoneyHabits: Exercise often, avoid alcohol abuse,never use drugs, eat right, avoid smoking, studyto earn ____ college credits every year.Personal Goals:__________________________________________________________________________________________RECRUIT TRAINING GOALSI will report to Recruit Training on_______________________________.I will complete Recruit Training in 9 weeks.I will save ________ dollars per month.I will pass the Navy’s physical fitnessRequirements.I will honor the Navy Core Values.Personal Goal: (Something else you want toaccomplish: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________NAME: ___________________________Successful Sailors have found that setting goalshelps them achieve rewarding careers. Here arejust a few examples of goals that will help youon your path to success.WELCOME ABOARD!NAVY CORE VALUESHONOR, COURAGE, COMMITMENTSAILOR’S CREEDI am a United States Sailor. I will support andDefend the Constitution of the United States ofAmerica and I will Obey the orders of thoseappointed over me. I represent the fightingspirit of the Navy and those who have gonebefore me to defend Freedom and Democracyaround the world. I proudly serve my country’sNavy combat team with honor, courage, andcommitment. I am committed to excellence andfair treatment to all.
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