Boat landings for officers usually are separate from
those for enlisted personnel; but there may be times,
especially overseas, when they are in the same location.
Aboard ship, the bridge watch usually tells the
quarterdeck that an officers or enlisteds liberty boat is
approaching the ship.
Q1. List some of the flags and pennants used by the
Q2. In the space provided, list the flag flown for the
conditions described on the right.
Q3. In port, commissioned ships display the national
ensign and the union jack from what locations?
Q4. In large ships, what person is usually responsible
for making sure that special flags and pennants
are displayed?
Q5. What is the flagstaff insignia for a captain?
Q6. A boat with a halbert insignia on the flagstaff is
approaching your ship. What is the rank of the
person on the ship?
Learning Objective: When you finish this chapter, you
will be able to
Identify the purpose of and use of side honors.
Side honors, rendered to officers and officials
boarding and departing the ship, are part of the honors
stipulated for an official visit. The honors consist of
parading the proper number of side boys and piping the
side by the honors boatswains mate. Officers
appropriate to the occasion also attend the side. Side
boys are not paraded on Sunday or on other days
between sunset and 0800 or during meal hours of the
crew, general drills and evolutions, and periods of
regular overhaul, except in honor of civil officials and
foreign officers; then they may be paraded at any time
during daylight hours. Side boys are paraded only for
scheduled (official) visits.
Student Notes:
a. There is a man
b. There are divers in the
c. A general court-martial
is in session.
d. Worship service(s) in
e. The captain is absent.