exception is during church services aboard shipconducted by Navy chaplains or visiting churchdignitaries. Then the church pennant (fig. 4-22) or theJewish worship pennant (fig. 4-23) is flown above theensign. Many ships are fitted with two halyards to thesame point of hoist at both the staff and gaff to permitdisplay of the church pennant and ensignsimultaneously.Aboard ships under way, the church pennant isdisplayed by hoisting it to the peak or truck and thendipping the ensign just clear of it. If services are beingconducted at the time of morning colors aboard ships notunder way, the ensign is hoisted to the top of the flagstaffat the prescribed time. The church pennant is then hoistedand the ensign dipped just clear of the pennant. If theensign is half-masted, the church pennant is hoisted justabove the ensign. When the church pennant is lowered,the ensign is closed up (hoisted to the truck, peak, or topof the flagstaff) before the pennant is lowered. Althoughthe church pennant may not be flown above the nationalflag ashore, it may be displayed separately.The Jewish worship pennant, shown in figure 4-23,is displayed during Jewish religious services afloat andashore. This pennant was authorized by the Secretary ofthe Navy in 1975. The same rules governing the displayof the church pennant apply to the display of the Jewishworship pennant.The flag of the Chief of Naval Operations (fig. 4-24)is a blue and white rectangle, divided diagonally fromlower hoist to upper fly. In its center is the official seal ofthe Chief of Naval Operations—an eagle clutching ananchor and encircled by 50 gold links of chain. TheCNO’s flag is displayed in the same manner as requiredfor displaying flags of any flag officer.Aboard ships not under way, the absence (for aperiod of 72 hours or less) of various officers isindicated by the display of SUBSTITUTE pennants.These are general signal pennants. The pennants areassigned as shown in figure 4-25.4-24Student Notes:BMRF0422Figure 4-22.—Church pennant.BMRF0423Figure 4-23.—Jewish worship pennant.BMRF0424Figure 4-24.—Chief of Naval Operations flag.BMRF04251st.SUBSTITUTEFLAG OFFICER OR UNITCOMMANDER IS ABSENTCHIEF OF STAFF ISABSENTCIVIL OR MILITARYOFFICIAL WHOSE FLAGIS FLYING IS ABSENTCOMMANDING OFFICERIS ABSENT3rd.SUBSTITUTE4th.SUBSTITUTE2nd.SUBSTITUTEFigure 4-25.—Substitute pennants.
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