On many small ships, it is the responsibility of thequarterdeck watch to hoist and haul down the absenteepennants. They are flown only between sunrise andsunset.Whenever the ship is taking aboard, transferring,or handling dangerous commodities, such asammunition and fuel, the BRAVO flag is hoisted andthe smoking lamp is put out. BRAVO is hauled downwhen the dangerous condition no longer exists. TheBRAVO flag (fig. 4-26) is a general signal flag.While standing watch, you will have many duties.One of them is to make sure special flags or pennantsare displayed as required to indicate changing eventsaboard ship. Usually on a large ship, this is theresponsibility of the duty signalman. On small ships,such as submarines, it is the duty of the topside watch(POOW). These flags or pennants are importantbecause they tell other units what is happening withintheir area at any given time. A list of special flags andpennants is normally posted within the quarterdeckarea for the ready reference of watch standers.There are many more flags and pennants thathave special meanings. You will have to know themeaning of some of these. They are called generalsignals, and those not previously discussed areshown in figure 4-27.When flag officers of the Navy (admiral, viceadmiral, rear admiral [upper half], rear admiral [lowerhalf]) assume command of a fleet or a unit of a fleet,their personal flag (fig. 4-28) is hoisted and kept flyinguntil they turn over their command to their successor.If the officer is absent from command for a periodexceeding 72 hours, the flag is hauled down until theofficer returns.A flag officer’s flag is never displayedsimultaneously from more than one ship. It is flown atthe main-truck of the ship the officer is aboard.Normally, no personal flag or pennant is shown at thesame masthead with the national ensign. When a doubledisplay is required, the personal flag or pennant should4-25Student Notes:BMRF0426Figure 4-26.—Bravo flag.BMRF0427ALFAMIKEYANKEEOSCARPAPAQUEBECZEROCODEDIVERS ARE DOWNMEDICAL GUARDMAN OVERBOARDAT BOW OF SMALL BOAT:ABOARD SHIP:GUARD MAIL BOATMILITARY GUARD DUTYBOAT RECALLVISUALCOMMUNICATIONDUTYSIGNALMEANINGGENERAL RECALL:ALL PERSONNELRETURNFigure 4-27.—General signals.BMRF0428Figure 4-28.—Personal flags.
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