Q6. Service members can attend civil rights
demonstrations and similar gatherings except for
what conditions?
Q7. You have submitted a special request chit and
feel that the chain of command has not resolved
your discrimination complaint. What should be
your next course of action?
Q8. What is hazing?
Q9. What is the Navys policy on hazing?
Learning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,
you will be able to
Recall the definition of sexual harassment.
Identify the policies that pertain to sexual
All military and civilian personnel in the
Department of the Navy have responsibilities. One of
those responsibilities is to maintain high standards of
honesty, integrity, and conduct to assure proper
performance of business and to maintain public trust.
Sexual harassment violates those standards, especially
equal opportunity. Both men and women can be victims
or harassers.
Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination.
Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical
conduct that is sexual nature. Sexual harassment occurs
Submission to or rejection of such conduct is
made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or
condition of a persons job, pay, or career, or
Submission to or rejection of such conduct by a
person is used as a basis for career or
employment decisions affecting that person, or
Such conduct interferes with an individuals
performance or creates an intimidating, hostile,
or offensive environment.
This means that if a supervisor or someone in a
command position makes sexual advances and tells you
that if you dont go along you could lose your job, not be
promoted, or make it impossible to do your job because
of that persons actions, you are being sexually harassed.
Any supervisor or person in a command position
who uses sexual behavior to control or affect your
career, pay, or job is sexually harassing you. Also,
any person who makes unwelcome verbal
comments, gestures, or physical contact of a sexual
nature is sexually harassing you.
Basically, sexual harassment means bothering
someone in a sexual way. For a persons behavior to be
considered sexual harassment, it must meet three
1. Be unwelcome
2. Be sexual in nature
3. Occur in or impact on the work environment
Unwelcome behavior is behavior that a person
doesnt ask for and considers undesirable or offensive.
Not everyone has the same perception (idea) of what is
undesirable or offensive. Whats okay for some people
isnt okay for others.
So, whose perception should be used, the person
who is giving the unwelcome behavior or the person
Student Notes: