yellow, and green. Behavior may be divided into three
Red on the traffic light means stop; behavior in
the red zone means dont do itits sexual
Yellow on the traffic light means use caution;
behavior zone may be sexual harassment.
Green on the traffic light means go. Behavior in
the green zone means its acceptableits not
sexual harassment.
Just as with a traffic light, if in the yellow zone long
enough, the light will turn red. If yellow zone behavior
is repeated enough, especially after having been told it
is unwelcome, it becomes red zone behaviorsexual
harassment. The following show these three types of
behavior, but they are certainly not all-inclusive:
Remember that the above
examples are only guides. Individuals
who believe they are being sexually
harassed base their belief on their
perceptions. Also, each incident is
judged on all the facts in that particular
case, and that individuals judgment
may vary on the same facts. Therefore,
use caution. Any time sexual behavior is
introduced into the work environment
or among coworkers, the individuals
involved are on notice that the behavior
may constitute sexual harassment.
Individuals who believe they have been sexually
harassed have ways to seek resolution and redress
(remedy). Check with your CMEO officer for the
avenues available to you. All reported incidents of
sexual harassment are investigated and resolved at the
lowest appropriate level. All incidents are resolved
promptly and with sensitivity. Confidentiality will be
maintained to every extent possible.
If you believe that you have been sexually harassed,
talk about your concerns or objections directly with the
person who is behaving in a harassing way. If you are
subjected to or observe objectionable behavior, you
should promptly notify the chain of command if one of
the following conditions exists:
The objectionable behavior does not stop,
The situation is not resolved,
Student Notes:
Red zone. These behaviors are always considered sexual harassment. They include sexual
favors in return for employment rewards, threats if sexual favors arent provided, sexually
explicit pictures (including calendars or posters) or remarks, using status to request dates, or
obscene letters or comments. The most severe forms of sexual harassment constitute criminal
conduct; that is, sexual assault (ranging from forcefully grabbing to fondling, forced kissing,
or rape).
Yellow zone. Many people would find these behaviors unacceptable, and they could be
sexual harassment. These behaviors include violating personal space, whistling, questions
about personal life, lewd or sexually suggestive comments, suggestive posters or calendars,
off-color jokes, leering, staring, repeated requests for dates, foul language, unwanted letters
or poems, sexually suggestive touching, or sitting or gesturing sexually.
Green zone. These behaviors are not sexual harassment. They include performance
counseling, touching that couldnt reasonably be perceived in a sexual way (such as touching
someone on the elbow), counseling on military
appearance, social interaction, showing
concern, encouragement, a polite compliment, or friendly conversation.