d. Discoloratione. With a strain, a distinct gap at the site of theinjuryA7. The first aid that should be given to a victimsuspected of having a sprained or strained legincludes treating all sprains as fractures untilruled out by X-rays.REVIEW 9 ANSWERSA1. One of the easiest ways to carry an unconsciousperson is to use the fireman’s lift/carry.A2. When rescuing a person who has received anelectric shock, you should not touch thevictim’s body, wire, or any other object thatmay conduct electricity.A3. You should carry a stretcher with the victim’sfeet first so the rear stretcher bearer can seethe victim for signs of breathing difficulty.A4. To transport an injured person from engine-roomspaces, a Neil Robertson stretcher is usuallyused.A5. Emergency rescue lines are used when aninjured person must be transported and noother means is available.REVIEW 10 ANSWERSA1. Personal hygiene is important for the followingreasons:a. Close living quartersb. Well-being of the crewc. Reduced chance of illnessd. Morale increaseA2. The three most common dental conditionscaused by poor dental hygiene are—a. Tooth decayb. Reddening of the gumsc. Gum and bone diseaseA3. To avoid dental problems, you should—a. Brush your teethb. Floss your teethc. Have dental checkups every 6 monthsA4. The two most common sexually transmitteddiseases are—a. Syphilisb. GonorrheaA5. AIDS is spread through—a. Sexual contactb. Needle sharing by drug usersc. Transfusions14-36
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