REVIEW 1 ANSWERSA1. The primary purpose of first aid is to safe lives,prevent further injury, and limit infection.A2. The primary tasks to take when you administerfirst aid are to—a. maintain breathing,b. stop bleeding and maintain circulation, andc. prevent or treat shock.A3. The general first-aid rule for—a. shock is to place the victim on his/her backwith the head slightly lower than the feetb. broken bones is to keep the person still untilyou immobilize the injured partc. transport of injured persons is on the litterwith the litter carried feet firstREVIEW 2 ANSWERSA1. The first-aid treatment for respiratory failure isartificial ventilation.A2. Artificial ventilation should be administeredonly when natural breathing has stopped.NEVER give artificial ventilation to a personwho is still breathing.A3. The three types of artificial ventilation are—a. Mouth to mouthb. Mouth to nosec. Back pressure/arm liftA4. Cardiac arrest is the complete stoppage ofheart function.A5. To be effective, CPR must be started within 4minutes of the onset of cardiac arrest.A6. When you use the one-rescuer technique of CPR,the ratio of compressions to ventilations is 15compressions to 2 ventilations.A7. When you use the two-rescuer technique of CPR,the ratio of compressions to ventilations is 5compressions to 1 ventilation.A8. The symptoms of airway blockage are—a. Inability of the victim to speakb. Exaggerated breathing effortsc. Skin turning blueA9. The four methods you can use to clear a person’sairway are—a. Standing abdominal thrustb. Reclining abdominal thrustc. Standing chest thrustd. Reclining chest thrustREVIEW 3 ANSWERSA1. The three types of blood vessels the body uses tocirculate blood are—a. Arteries—large vessels that carry bloodaway from the heartb. Veins—large vessels that carry blood backto the heartc. Capillaries—a connecting network ofsmaller vessels between the arteries and theveinsA2. Hemorrhage is severe enough to endanger lifewhen arteries or veins are cut.A3. A loss of 2 pints of blood is usually enough tocause shock.A4. Blood carried by—a. Capillaries is brick redb. Veins is dark redc. Arteries is bright redA5. The only way to stop serious bleeding is theapplication of pressure.14-33
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