10-18You should also be familiar with the rating structureof the other branches of the U.S. military. Refer to figure10-11 for a comparison of the Navy, Marine Corps,Army, and Air Force enlisted structure.RANK INSIGNIA/CORPS DEVICES—U.S.NAVAL OFFICERThe paygrade of an enlisted person is referred to as arate. For example, an E-4 is a petty officer third class.The paygrade of a commissioned officer is called arank. A lieutenant is an 0-3. Commissioned officershold their positions of command by the authority giventhem by the President of the United States.Naval OfficersAn officer of a given grade is junior to all officers ofhigher grades and senior to all officers of lower grades.Any commissioned officer is senior to any warrantofficer or enlisted person. When officers are of the samegrade, then the officer first commissioned in that gradeoutranks officers commissioned at later dates. In otherwords, officers of the same grade rank according to theirdate of commission—the earlier the date, the moresenior the officer. If the officers have the same date ofrank, then they take precedence according to anumerical listing kept by the Navy Department. Figures10-12, 10-13, and 10-14 show the rank insignia of U.S.naval officers as well as the insignia of other branches ofthe U.S. armed forces.Student Notes:BMRF1010BFIRE CONTROLMAN - FCMINEMAN - MNGUNNER’S MATE - GMFIRE CONTROL TECHNICIAN - FTTORPEDOMAN’S MATE - TMMISSILE TECHNICIAN - MTWEAPONS SPECIALTIESHOSPITAL CORPSMAN - HMDDENTAL TECHNICIAN - DTMEDICAL SPECIALTIESFigure 10-10B.—Rating insignias for enlisted personnel (continued).
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