PLANT PROPERTY CLASS 3. Plant property
class 3 includes equipment, other than industrial plant
equipment, that meets all the following criteria:
Has a first unit cost of
,000 or more
Has an expected normal useful life of 1 year or more
Is not specifically excluded by appropriate authority
Is used in furtherance of the assigned mission of an
activity, including the functions of all subordinate
subdivisions of the activity
Is not altered beyond further use as an equipment
item in performance of work within its designed
Is not part of another equipment item
Has been issued to the activity for use
Does not, by nature of its installation or use, form
an integral part of a plant property class 2 item
PLANT PROPERTY CLASS 4. Plant property
class 4 includes all equipment and machine tools having
an initial acquisition cost of
,000 or more and
identified by specific four-digit special commodity
codes (SCCs) and production equipment codes (PECs)
as industrial plant equipment.
Minor Property
Minor property in use generally consists of property
of a capital nature that meets all the criteria for plant
property class 3 except the
,000 criterion. It also
includes those items that meet all the criteria for class 3
but that have been specifically excluded from class 3,
such as office desks, tables, filing cabinets, and lockers.
The Navy has long recognized the importance of
maintaining statistics to determine where, when, and
how Navy property was missing, lost, or stolen. Based
on this premise, missing, lost, stolen, or recovered
(MLSR) government property reports must be
submitted to proper authorities within the Department
of the Navy (DON). DONs ultimate goal is to improve
the Navys physical security program. To ensure the
MLSR programs success, commands must report all
MLSR incidents and accurately describe the
circumstances. The major benefit will be significant
improvements in ship and shore physical security
programs. The reporting of these incidents by an MLSR
report is independent of the Naval Investigative
Services request for investigative assistance.
Details of the MLSR program are given in
SECNAVINST 5500.4D. All master and senior chiefs
should be familiar with this instruction. It specifically
covers the following categories of materials; MLSR
reports must be made when items in these categories are
missing, lost, stolen, or recovered:
All serialized property having a value of 0 or
more that is owned, leased, rented, or borrowed
by the Navy.
All unserialized property having a value of 0
or more that is owned, leased, rented, or
borrowed by the Navy.
All unserialized property that is owned, leased,
rented, or borrowed by the Navy considered to
be sensitive items regardless of the actual or
estimated value. Sensitive items for this purpose
are considered to be precious metals, highly
technical devices, and classified material.
All serialized or unserialized property items
exceeding 0 (even though a single item does
not exceed the 0 minimum) involved in a
cumulative loss through the same incident.
In addition to MLSR reports, surveys are also
required. Specific procedures for conducting surveys
are given in supply publications. The basic procedures
are described in the following paragraphs.
A survey is the procedure required when Navy
property (except incoming shipments) is lost, damaged,
or destroyed. The purpose of a survey is to determine
the responsibility for the lost, damaged, or destroyed
property and to determine the actual loss to the
government. A true determination can be made only
through a thorough research of the facts surrounding the
loss or damage. This research should not be limited to
simply verifying statements of interested parties. It must
be broad enough to ensure the full protection of the
interests of the government, as well as the rights of the
individual(s) or Navy activities concerned. A review is
required to prove or refute statements of interested
persons and to place responsibility where it belongs.
Preliminary Research
Immediately upon the discovery of the loss,
damage, or destruction of government property, the