Figure 6-1.-Hazardous material label.produced either intentionally or unintentionally.They must also determine the source and themethods of dispersion of airborne contaminants.Since hazards exist in almost all jobs, supervisorsshould examine all tasks to ensure a potentiallyunsafe condition is not overlooked.All hazardous materials used in the Navy mustbe labeled. That applies to buckets or cans ofhazardous materials taken from bulk containers.All hazardous materials received from the Navysupply system should already be marked witha label similar to the one shown in figure 6-1.Hazardous materials used in the work centerare often bought locally, so they are notproperly labeled. In such cases, the supervisoris responsible for properly labeling the material.You can order hazardous material labels throughthe supply system using stock number 7690-00-152-0030. For more information on hazardousmaterial labeling, refer to NAVSUP Publication4500.6-8
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