terrain, and some even may have made it theirhome. With varying degrees of effort, theymanaged to adjust to the terrain, climate, and en-vironment. Your problem is you are not preparedto live there; you never expected your plane tocrash-land in a jungle or some other remote area.Remember your goal in a survival situationashore is to get back to friendly forces. If you areisolated in an enemy area, you have the majorproblem of avoiding the enemy (evasion). If youare captured, you have the problem of survivingthe prisoner-of-war (POW) camp.EvasionIn a survival situation within enemy territory,you must focus on evasion of the enemy.Therefore, you need to know the two methods theenemy uses to detect your presence:1. Observation by specially trained and equip-ped observation teams. The teams may be situatedon high terrain to scan the area with a variety ofdetection devices, such as binoculars, telescopes,and sound-detection equipment.2. The use of dogs, foot patrols, andmechanized units to patrol a given area. Suchteams physically search an area for signs ofevaders and escapees, such as footprints, coldcampfires, or discarded or lost equipment.One way you can protect yourself and yourgroup from the eyes of the enemy is by usingcamouflage. Camouflage is a major evasion tac-tic used to hide an object, personnel, or equip-ment. Camouflage permits you to see withoutbeing seen.If you are in charge of a large group hidingfrom the enemy, first break the group into manysmall groups. Small groups are easier to conceal.The enemy may estimate your location from youractual movements or from physical signs left whenyou moved through an area. Your position; shape;shadow; or color of equipment, vehicles, or per-sons can also reveal your location in the follow-ing ways:POSITION: An observer can easily see theplace of concealment if a person or anobject doesn’t blend in with the back-ground. When you choose a position forconcealment, use a background that willabsorb personnel or an object.SHAPE: At a distance, an observer canrecognize the form or outline of an objectbefore the details can be seen. Whentransiting from area to area, use availablecover, such as bushes, trees, and rockformations, to distort your shape.SHADOW: Since shadows may be morerevealing than the object itself, placeobjects in the shadows of other objects tomake them easier to overlook.COLOR: Contrast between the color of anobject and its background makes a personor object easily visible. The greater the con-trast in color, the greater the visibility.Therefore, as a general principle, thecamouflage should match the darker andmedium light colors of the background.Using vegetation and other materialsfound locally to screen and stain equip-ment makes it blend into the background.Moonlit nights require the same precau-tions as those used in daylight.Conceal your presence when traveling by usingscreens, backgrounds, and shadows to the fullestadvantage. Under favorable conditions enemyobservers can see as far as 100 yards in openwoods. Since even a dark night furnishes shadows,choose a route that provides a concealingbackground and avoids the skyline. On bright,moonlit nights the shadows along the edge of thewoods make the best route. Sound gives anamplified, revealing signal at night. Move care-fully, quietly, and close to the ground.In areas of light undergrowth, take the routefarthest into the woods for safety. Heavierundergrowth is an obstacle to movement.Therefore, when rapid movement is more impor-tant than full concealment, travel along the out-side edge of the woods.Although concealing your presence is of majorimportance, the most common deterrent to suc-cessful evasion is a negative attitude. If you havea positive attitude, you have the natural tendencyto take positive action. A negative attitude maybe caused by, related to, or a lack of the fol-lowing:PatienceCommon senseFlexibilityResourcefulnessSecurity6-17
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