As the relieving OOD of a ship
moored to a pier, which of the
following checks should be part of
your relieving procedure?
1. Determining which lines are in
2. Reviewing current SOPA
i n s t r u c t i o n s
3. Determining which special
conditions exist or are
4. Each of the above
A change in a ships watch
condition when getting underway,
mooring, or modifying the condition
of readiness is called
1. dogging the watch
2. setting the watch
3. changing the guard
4. relieving the watch
Experience has shown that the
ability to handle casualties and
t a c t i c a l d e c i s i o n s i s s i g n i f i c a n t l y
reduced during which of the
following events?
1. When the watch is being set
2. When the ship is entering port
3. When the watch is being changed
4. When the ship is leaving
If continuity of watches has been
interrupted, you should read the
commentary sections of the ships
deck log for what minimum number of
preceding watches before relieving
the OOD?
1. One
2 . T w o
3. Three
4. Four
During the relief of the OOD, who
is responsible for ensuring the
oncoming OOD is properly briefed on
the overall situation of the ship?
1. The offgoing OOD only
2. The oncoming OOD only
3. The offgoing and the oncoming
4. The operations officer
What phrase should you use as the
relieving OOD when you are ready to
relieve the watch?
1. I have it, you are relieved
2. I am ready to relieve you,
3. I am prepared to assume the
4. I will take the watch after
b r i e f i n g
In the absence of the commanding
officer in port, who is primarily
responsible for the safety and
proper operation of the unit?
1. S a f e t y o f f i c e r
2. MAA safety force
3. Officer of the deck
4. Command master chief
Which of the following
watchstanding assignments gives a
petty officer equal status with a
commissioned or chief warrant
officer assigned to the same watch?
1. MAA
2. OOD
4. Each of the above
To stand OOD inport watches, you
must be designated in writing by
which of the following individuals?
1. Commanding officer
2. Senior watch officer
3. Command duty officer
4. Watch bill coordinator
If weather conditions are such that
suspending boating operations is
advisable, what officer does the
OOD immediately notify?
1. Safety officer
2. Boating officer
3. First lieutenant
4. Command duty officer