The watch, quarter, and station
bill contains which of the
following assignments?
1. Messing assignments
2. Liberty boat assignments
3. Collision station assignments
4. Each of the above
4-43 .
Who should approve changes to the
divisions watch, quarter, and
s t a t i o n b i l l ?
1. E x e c u t i v e o f f i c e r
2. Commanding officer
3. Officer of the deck
4. Command duty officer
4-44 .
Billet numbers on the watch,
quarter, and station bill consist
of either four numerals or a letter
and three numerals.
What do the
last two numerals indicate?
1. Section seniority
2. Division assigned
3. Watch precedence
4. R e c a l l p r i o r i t y
Responsibility for ensuring
division members are aware of their
watch, quarter, and station bill
assignments is delegated to which
of the following persons?
1. Division chief
2. D i v i s i o n o f f i c e r
3. Division leading petty officer
4. Division training petty officer
The watch, quarter, and station
bill should be updated at
approximately what minimum
1. Continually
3. Monthly
4 . Weekly
4-47 .
4-48 .
4-49 .
4-50 .
4-51 .
Which of the following management
tools should be used by the
division officer to maintain a
current watch, quarter, and station
b i l l ?
1. B a t t l e b i l l
2. S h i p s b i l l
3. Division notebook
4 . D i v i s i o n o f f i c e r s g u i d e
Which of the following explanations
is a purpose of the general
emergency bill?
1. To provide detailed procedures
for every emergency that can
2. To establish a plan for
salvaging captured enemy
v e s s e l s
3. To organize the crew to handle
the effects of a major
4. Each of the above
Which of the following actions
should you immediately take if you
see one of your shipmates fall
1. Notify the OOD
2. Call out, Man overboard, port
(or starboard) side
3. Provide lifesaving equipment to
the person if possible
4. All of the above
Which of the following officers is
responsible for the administration
of the CBR defense bill?
1. S a f e t y o f f i c e r
2. Division officer
3. CBR defense officer
4 . Damage control assistant
Which of the following commands
must have an emergency destruction
b i l l ?
1. A deployable command
2. A command located outside the
United States
3. A command having COMSEC
m a t e r i a l
4. A l l o f t h e a b o v e