rates, These documents went into effect on1 April 1893. All evidence indicates this as thedate the chief petty officer rate was actuallyestablished.So, what is the answer to the question, Whenwas the term chief petty officer first used in theNavy? Based on U.S. Navy Regulation CircularNumber 1, the majority of first class petty officerratings were automatically reclassified as chiefpetty officer ratings.On 24 September 1894 General Order Number431 was issued. This general order changed thethree rockers on the master-at-arms rating badgeto one rocker. We know this as the rating badgeof the CPO today. This general order alsochanged first, second, and third class chevrons totheir present-day form,THE CPO UNIFORMYou should consider a neat, clean uniform tobe a tool of your trade. As a CPO, your tradehas changed to the business of getting things doneby your subordinates. A CPO who presents asharp military appearance usually gets things donebetter than the nonprofessional who presents apoor appearance. Think about who receives themost respect: the person who presents a sloppyappearance or the one who wears the uniform withpride. A person who rates respect looks the part.REQUIRED AND OPTIONALUNIFORMSThe uniforms prescribed for you as a CPO aredivided into four separate categories. They areFigure 7-8.-Dinner dress uniforms.7-14
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