eagle and specialty mark embroidered in silverthread. The rating badge and service stripes areeither scarlet or gold, depending on the length andtype of service. Service stripes are discussed laterin this section.The white dinner dress jacket rating badge hasa white background. The rating badge andservice stripes are blue or gold, depending on thelength and type of service. The specialty mark issilver. The aviation working green uniform ratingbadge has a forest green background. The ratingbadge, service stripes, and specialty mark are navyblue. You do not wear a rating badge on thetropical dinner dress blue, summer white, servicedress white, full dress white, dinner dress white,or khaki uniforms.Senior and Master Chief Petty OfficerThe rating badge of a senior or masterchief petty officer varies only slightly fromthe chief petty officer’s rating badge. The seniorchief petty officer rating badge has a silver starcentered about 1 inch above the head of the eagle.On the cap and collar devices, the star is in thering of the stock. The master chief petty officerrating badge has a star placed about 1 inch aboveeach wing tip. The stars on the cap and collardevices are placed on the upper edge of the stock.The stars for senior and master chief are madeof embroidered silver thread. When a master chiefpetty officer is assigned as the command masterchief, the specialty mark is replaced with a silverstar. If assigned to a billet as fleet or force masterchief, the stars will be of embroidered gold thread.The master chief petty officer of the Navy wearsthree gold stars in a line above the eagle. A goldstar replaces the rating specialty mark. Thecollar and cap devices also have three stars, butthe center star is slightly higher than the othertwo (see fig. 7-14).Figure 7-14.-Rating badges and collar devices worn by senior, master, command, and fleet/force chiefs and the masterchief petty officer of the Navy.7-19
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