uniform appearance. Your attention to detailreflects the Navy’s image to the public. Youshould keep your uniform scrupulously clean.The gold bullion lace, devices, and insignia shouldbe bright and free from tarnish and corrosion.When you are in uniform, no articles, such aspencils, pens, jewelry, combs, large wallets,cigarettes, or pipes, should protrude or bevisible on your uniform. If you wear a cross,pendant, or some other emblem, you should makesure it is not visible. You may wear wristwatches,bracelets, and rings while in uniform, but theyshould be in good taste. You may wear tie clasps,cuff links, and shirt studs as outlined in U.S. NavyUniform Regulations (Uniform Regs).When wearing jewelry you should not wearsomething that would create a safety hazard foryou or one of your workers. You should avoidwearing any eccentric or faddish articles that maybring attention to you in either a negative orpositive manner.You may wear sunglasses when not in militaryformation, but they should be conservative instyle.You should wear undergarments that preservethe dignity and appearance of your uniform,Figure 7-12.-CPO caps.CPO Caps and Their InsigniasThe most dramatic change to your uniformis your cap. As a CPO, you wear a combinationcap similar to the type worn by commissionedofficers except with minor changes. One of thesechanges is the cap device, the CPO insignia. Thisinsignia is a fouled anchor with the silver lettersUSN superimposed on the anchor shank. Insteadof a gold chin strap, as on the officer’s cap, thechin strap on the CPO cap is leather, covered withblack vinyl. This black vinyl gives the appearanceof patent leather. The strap adjusts by twoadjusting loops, one on either end. The chin strapattaches to the cap with two small Navy eagle giltbuttons. When you wear the cap, the eagles onthese buttons should be upright. When assemblingthe combination cap, you should make sure therivet (centered in the adjustment loop) will be onyour left when wearing the cap. You wear the capsquarely on the head, 1 1/2 inches above theeyebrow. You may also wear a garrison cap ortropical helmet if it is prescribed by properauthority. You wear a tropical helmet with aminiature cap device centered on the front of thehelmet in tropical climates. Women CPOs maywear either a tiara or the combination cap withthe formal dinner dress white and blue uniform.(See fig. 7-12 for the required CPO caps.)Rating BadgesThe CPO rating badge is similar to the firstclass rating badge. The basic difference is theposition of the eagle. On the CPO badge, it isperched on the center point of the rocker or arc.The chevrons on the male rating badge measure3 1/4 inches across; on the female rating badge,they measure 2 1/2 inches across or about 3/4 thesize of the male rating badge. The color of therocker and chevrons depends on each particularuniform. (See fig. 7-13 for the CPO rating badge.)The rating badge worn on the dress blueuniform has a navy blue background with theFigure 7-13.-CPO rating badge.7-18
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