Figure 7-4.-Evolutionin figure 7-4, many of the original uniform styleshave remained throughout the years.In 1865 a Navy regulation reestablishedthe term chief petty officer. The term wasfirst used for the ship’s master-at-arms. It madehim responsible for preservation of order andobedience to all regulations. An excerpt from an1865 regulation tasked the senior enlisted personwith the following responsibility:The Master-at-Arms will be the chief pettyofficer of the ship in which he shall serve.All orders from him in regard to the policeof the vessel, the preservation of order,and the obedience to regulations must beof the CPO uniform.obeyed by all petty officers and others ofthe crew. But he shall have no right tosuccession in command, and shall exerciseno authority in matters not specifiedabove.This, however, did not establish the term chiefas a rate. It was merely a function rather than arate. Petty officers were divided into petty officersof the line and petty officers of the staff. Chiefreferred to the principal petty officer of the ship.The next reference to the term chief was inU .S. Navy Regulation Circular Number 41 dated8 January 1885 (fig. 7-5). Here again the termchief refers to a function or title rather than a rate.7-10
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