• The officer or petty officer assigned to thegangway watch for the maintenance of aproperly posted and alert watch on thecrew’s brow or accommodation ladder• The petty officer of the watch for super-vising the quarterdeck watch, anchorwatch, fog lookouts, brow and docksentries, and security watches and patrolsunder the control of the OOD• The duty master-at-arms for maintenanceof good order and discipline and securityand processing of prisoners• The sergeant of the guard for direction ofthe guard in performing their duties, if aMarine Detachment is assignedThe duties, responsibilities, and authority ofthe OOD are clearly defined in the StandardOrganization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy(SORN), OPNAVINST 3120.32B. You shouldperiodically review the duties, responsibilities, andauthority of the OOD to make sure they have notchanged. The following list of OOD duties,responsibilities, and authority is an excerpt fromarticle 441.3, Officer of the Deck (In Port):(1) Keep continually informed of theunit’s position, mooring lines or groundtackle in use, tide and weather informa-tion, the status of the engineering plant,the status of the unit’s boats, and all othermatters affecting the safety and securityof the unit; and take appropriate action toprevent grounding, collision, dragging orother danger in accordance with the U.S.Coast Guard Navigation Rules of the Roadand the orders of the commanding officerand other proper authority.(2) Ensure that required reports tothe OOD (in-port) concerning tests andinspections and the routine reports ofpatrols, watches, and sentries are promptlyoriginated and that the quarterdeck watch,lookouts, anchor watch, and other sentriesor patrols are properly posted and alert.(3) Ensure all required entries aremade in the deck log, and sign the log atthe conclusion of the watch.(4) Carry out the routine as publishedin the” plan of the day, ensuring the ex-ecutive officer, CDO (in-port), and depart-ment heads are informed of circumstanceswhich require changes in routine or otheraction on their part.(5) Initiate and supervise unit’s evolutionsor operations as necessary.(6) Attend one of the unit’s gangways,and supervise watch personnel assigned toattend other gangways.(7) Supervise the operation of the unit’sboats in accordance with the boat schedulepublished by the executive officer and theorders of the commanding officer and otherproper authority.(8) Ensure that all boats are operated safelyand all boat safety regulations are observed.Give particular attention to changes in windor sea conditions and notify the CDO (in-port)when the suspension of boating is advisable.Ensure that boats are not overloaded, andreduce the allowed loading capacity whenweather conditions require caution. Recom-mend use of boat officers to the CDO whenweather or other conditions warrant. Requireboat passengers to wear life jackets whenconditions are hazardous; ensurethat all boats assigned trips are fully equipped,manned, fueled, and in working order; pro-vide harbor charts to boat coxswains; giveboat coxswains trip orders and orders to shoveoff.(9) Supervise the general announcingsystem, the general and chemical alarms, andthe whistle, gong, and bell in accordance withthe orders of the commanding officer andU.S. Coast Guard Navigation Rules of theRoad.(10) Permit no person to go aloft on mastor stacks or to work over the side of the shipexcept when wind and sea conditions permit,and then only when all safety precautions areobserved.(11) Display required absentee pennants,colors, and general information signals, andsupervise the rendering of honors.(12) Make all required reports to the CDO(in-port), executive officer, and commandingofficer as directed by standing orders to theOOD.(13) Supervise and conduct on-the-jobtraining for the JOOW, the JOOD, andenlisted personnel of the quarterdeck watch.(14) Assume other responsibilities as thecommanding officer may assign.(15) Supervise striking of the ship’s bellto denote the hours and half-hours fromreveille to taps, requesting permission of thecommanding officer to strike eight bells at0800, 1200, and 2000.7-8
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